Thursday, September 2, 2010

Nu Thangs: Song of the Week & more...

It's been a minute since my last post. As life continues to morph into a new and interesting creative adventure for me, I've been chewing on the direction of this blog. How do I want to focus my writing and explore different creative realms that inspire and incite? Methinks that sending out shorter postings may be the way to go...

This past summer, I've discovered a unique universe of amazing music, film, visual art, and books that have caused the range of my artistic influences to widen. Where once I accepted 'enough' from myself as a musician, writer, director, and peformer; I am now no longer willing to accept 'good enough' in any form. Not just 'good enough' from myself, but in the artistic energy that I breathe in and absorb. These new influences have provided me with insight into the kind of artist I would like to be as well as my general aesthetic. Using the concepts of 'Cultural Cannabilism' that the Tropicalistas adopted in their manifesto, I'll be exploring and sharing more about these artistic realms that encourage this type of artistic investigation.

So rather than sending out long posts about the various subjects of interest, I'll be sending out shorter posts so as to be more consistent. This will include: Song of the Week (a track that will get you going for the rest of the week) and Inspiration Station (a spotlight on an inspiring subject, artist, etc...). That's in addition to longer posts on issues of interest.

And that's it! Slowly, but surely, I'd like to expand and build this site to include more video as well as co-conspirators. For now, I am content with establishing a community of like-minded peeps that are looking for the new/different in life.

~Here's to Nu Arte~

**Photo is by Jahse